Our Vision

The gospel can saturate and transform Douglas County through a spiritual multiplication movement to the third and fourth generations. To be a part of this, we must first be disciples fully devoted to growing up and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We must pray and focus our hearts on the one who is the power and source of life behind it all. Join us in 30 days of focused, 24/7 prayer as one community starting August 1 through August 30, 2024. Sign up below for a time slot to receive a daily prayer focus.

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Extraordinary Prayer

Every disciple making movement in history has happened in the context of extraordinary prayer.

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Movement Focused

Join us in asking, seeking, and knocking for streams of disciples and churches to be made.

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24/7 Every Day

Choose a 15-minute (or more!) time slot that you can pray during each day. Invite someone else to sign up too.

Starting August 1, 2024, we will begin a prayer initiative as the Family Church community. There will be time slots for individuals to sign up to cover every moment in prayer together. Daily prayer prompts will be sent out to align our hearts as we pray, listen, and seek where He is calling us to invest in the long-term multiplication of the Gospel in Douglas County and the world. As we move toward this vision to saturate Douglas County and the world with the Gospel, we acknowledge the commitment it will take to build this momentum for the next generations and trust that He will bring his people together to live sacrificially and accomplish good beyond what we can imagine in His power.

Sign Up to Pray

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Time Committed


Prayer Warriors


Prayer Commitments Needed

Prayer Fuel

Use these resources to help pray specifically each day.

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